How to disable the screenshot animation when adding to cart?

Questions & AnswersCategory: QuestionsHow to disable the screenshot animation when adding to cart?
James McCombe asked 3 years ago

I have asked support before but failed to get an answer on this annoying bug. 

When clicking add to cart, Expivi seems to take a screenshot of the configuration window (to use in the cart page), but it flashes the entire product window black. Is there any way to disable this? 

The biggest problem is, this bug is not consistent. The bug is visible here:

But on this product it doesn’t do it:

Confusing, but before I spend time looking through the console, I thought I would ask this question.

1 Answers
Expivi WS Staff answered 3 years ago

Hi James,
This could be related to the background color that is set in your css.
Expivi takes the screenshot with the set background color, if this color is set on black it will flash black for a second.
Hope this helps.

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