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Latest versionized asset library URLs
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
Most recent asset URLs
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

Upcoming changes

Upcoming changes scheduled for July 3rd, 2024

  • Fixed an issue causing the configurator to crash the browser when using slider as display for a question attribute.
  • Fixed an issue causing the palletization alpha channel input to not show in certain scenarios.
  • Allow Rotate Offset to be used with sub products.
  • New design for menu layout backoffice.
Breaking changes
Options: Tooltip / Dropdown

We’ve updated an underlying library which processed the tooltip and dropdown. By updating the library, the components should be more performant and aware of its context, at the cost of changes the HTML structure and CSS classes.

If you’ve applied custom CSS to these components, it will be good to verify if your integration still works as expected once this update is live.

Affected components
Tooltip on component itself:

  • Attribute type(s): question, matgroup, svg_element, svg_image_selector, svg_element_selector.
    With display function(s): Tiles (compact), Tiles (compact & rounded), Tiles (large), Tiles (large & rounded).
  • Attribute type(s): color.
    With display function(s): Accordion color picker.
  • Tooltip as i-icon (to show description of attribute / attribute value):
  • Attribute type(s): question, matgroup, svg_element, svg_image_selector, svg_element_selector.
    With display function(s): Dropdown, Native Dropdown, Slider, Horizontal Scrollable Tile, Horizontal Scrollable Tile (rounded), Carousel.
  • Attribute type(s): svg_text.
    With display function(s): Extended Editor.
  • Attribute type(s): step.
    With display function(s): Vertical Stepper.
  • Attribute type(s): *
    Width display function(s): Custom display: TextInputQuantityView


  • Attribute type(s): question, matgroup, svg_element, svg_image_selector, svg_element_selector.
    With display function(s): Dropdown.
  • Attribute type(s): svg_image, svg_canvas.
    Where palletization is enabled: Dropdown for selecting pallet overrides.
  • Attribute type(s): svg_text.
    The dropdown where the font-family can be selected.


February 28th, 2024

Release 3

  • Backend – 2024.3.0
  • Configurator – 2024.3.0
  • Interface – 1.40.0
  • Options – 1.37.0
  • SVG Service – 1.24.3
  • WordPress Plugin – 2.10.0

Updates overview

  • [NEW] Front-end – Asynchronous Deletion Job for Configured Products
  • [FIX] Dynamic pattern, svg_text and svg_image do not relink correctly
  • [FIX] The Import 3D model wizard process takes a long while eventually, even for small models
  • [FIX] Using `addProduct` viewer API will cause an infinite loop of adding products
  • [FIX] Configuration parameter not working for `addProduct` viewer API
  • [NEW] Asynchronous Deletion Job for Configured Products
  • [FIX] PRF output does not match the palletization made on Canvas/Image attributes
  • [FIX] Reactivating Palletization keeps the modifications made by the Palletization process

February 13th, 2024

Release 2

  • Backend – 2024.2.0
  • Configurator – 2024.2.0
  • Interface – 1.39.0
  • Script Engine – 1.7.0
  • Options – 1.36.0
  • Shopify – 1.4.0

Updates overview

  • [FIX] Text alignment is incorrect
  • [FIX] Load version failed, and Retry action on a version not possible for different products
  • [NEW] Improve Page Layout with Default Collapsed Steps
  • [NEW] Improve model deletion
  • [NEW] Include Catalogue SKU in Script Engine Payload
  • [NEW] Add XML Feed Connector Type to API for Script Engine Integration
  • [NEW] Implement floor boundaries to contain products within area
  • [NEW] Implement Dynamic Route Endpoint Capability in Script Engine
  • [NEW] Implement Bootstrap cache Middleware in Material Group Service
  • [NEW] Enhance Bootstrap Data for Improved Product Loading Performance
  • [NEW] Expand httpAdapter functionality
  • [NEW] New search API
  • [FIX] Babylon materials | Normal map scale does not work
  • [NEW] Display functions of material group load the values async
  • [NEW] Update matgroup component to use texture/colour from reference instead of material
  • [NEW] Update material visibility rule to support showing/hiding all material references
  • [NEW] Update WebAR export service to gather the correct material references
  • [NEW] Material group page should show references in a paginated way

December 23rd, 2023

Release 19

  • Backend – 2023.19.0
  • Configurator – 2023.19.0
  • Interface – 1.37.0
  • Options – 1.35.0
  • SVG Service – 1.24.0

Updates overview

  • [FIX] Uploaded template file and output print-ready file are not the same.
  • [FIX] Errors when moving an image inside a Canvas
  • [NEW] Available colours in the canvas palletization palet to be dictated by an external source.
  • [NEW] The ability to control the number of colours for SVG palletization through the rule system.
  • [NEW] Introduction of palletization controls in the back office for the canvas.
  • [FIX] Colors assigned to a 3D scene are sometimes assigned to a different colour tone, even if unassigned colours have already been used.

December 14th, 2023


WordPress plugin 2.9.0 released

  • Fixed: Showing thumbnail of configured product in cart, if cart process is set to ‘Multiple’.
  • Fixed: Update viewer to 1.37.0 and options to 1.35.0.

November 29th, 2023

Release 18

  • Backend – 2023.18.0
  • Configurator – 2023.18.0
  • Interface – 1.36.0
  • Options – 1.34.0

Updates overview

  • [FIX] A Duplicate product links the attributes incorrectly, so the reimporting of a 3D model recreates the attributes onto a duplicated product.
  • [NEW] Enforce users to have a team
  • [FIX] Camera switch does not keep position after use
  • [FIX] Dropdown is being cut off on the extended editor
  • [NEW] Improve Search in API
  • [NEW] Improve connector cache Script Engine
  • [NEW] Media and PRFs to be related to a team instead of a user

November 16th, 2023

Release 17

  • Backend – 2023.17.0
  • Configurator – 2023.17.0
  • Interface – 1.35.0
  • Options – 1.33.0
  • Script Engine – 1.6.0
  • Print Ready Service – 1.23.0
  • WordPress Plugin – 2.8.0

Updates overview

  • [FIX] Palletization transparency mode not saving correctly
  • [FIX] Drop support for WebP file type
  • [NEW] Version Bootstrap
  • [NEW] Include fallback for material reference’s thumbnail texture/colour
  • [NEW] New endpoint for getting single material reference by id
  • [FIX] PRF preview does not look good when using SVGs
  • [NEW] WooCommerce | PRF output
  • [FIX] The gizmo movement of lights, etc. is lagging behind
  • [NEW] Add directional scrolling arrows on options that use scrollable tiles
  • [FIX] Set map rule node not working
  • [FIX] The camera is moving before the product is loaded

Asset URLs for this release

<link href="" rel="stylesheet" /> 
<script src=""></script> 
<script src=""></script>

October 30th, 2023

Release 16

  • Backend – 2023.16.0
  • Configurator – 2023.16.0
  • Interface – 1.34.0
  • Options – 1.32.0
  • Scene Decoder + Web AR – 1.3.1 + 1.10.1
  • Script Engine – 1.5.0

Updates overview

  • [NEW] AWS Environment Variables for Script Engine
  • [FIX] Changing the option several times gets the Webshop blocked
  • [NEW] Adding a retry option for failed revision
  • [FIX] Fremium account has no Toggle for branding and is inactive by default
  • [FIX] Tooltip not included in the Branding section
  • [NEW] Adding Svg palletization functionality to SVG Canvas
  • [FIX] Babylon | ‘damp effect’ check default value is kept when the user saves changes in the showcase
  • [FIX] Moving from Orbit camera control to Turntable and then again to Orbit, some selections are not properly displayed
  • [FIX] Loading AR triggers a 404 error or remains to make requests after the user clicks on the AR button
  • [FIX] WebAR scene shows the same size of the text after changes have been done in the Attribute from Back Office

October 18th, 2023

Release 15

  • Backend – 2023.15.0
  • Configurator – 2023.15.0
  • Interface – 1.33.0
  • Vector Conversion Service – 1.0.2
  • Options – 1.31.0
  • SVG Service – 1.22.2

Updates overview

  • [FIX] Patterns generated by the SVG service do not match the design
  • [FIX] Print Ready button is visible in specific accounts that have the feature inactive from Super Admin
  • [FIX] Dynamic pattern | When trying to load the images, it gives a CORS error
  • [NEW] Print Ready Files are being duplicated
  • [NEW] Set a product to have automatic bounding box calculation for physics
  • [FIX] The SVG element is loaded multiple times
  • [NEW] The ability to enter an e-mail for subdomains
  • [FIX] Emissive Intensity does not work
  • [NEW] Collision
  • [NEW] Allow the use of SVG image types when the Print Ready Service is active
  • [NEW} Reinstate a version creation when the previous one failed
  • [FIX] When moving an object, it’s set higher compared to the rest
  • [FIX] Offset nodes are not always executed properly
  • [FIX] Moving elements in Model Tree is not possible anymore
  • [FIX] Showcase doesn’t respond to mouse movements after selecting a gizmo in BabylonJs showcase
  • [NEW] Versioning process to correctly copy rules when creating a new version or product
  • [NEW] Improve transform controls for dragging on the drag-and-drop plane (on physical collider)
  • [NEW] Create helpers for physics components in the showcase
  • [NEW] Feature Panel
  • [FIX] Rotation in the drag and drop is not in the middle
  • [FIX] The rotation button is located below the object
  • [NEW] Product Presentation

October 3rd, 2023

Release 14

  • Backend – 2023.14.0
  • Configurator – 2023.14.0
  • Interface – 1.32.0
  • Vector Conversion Service – 1.0.2
  • Options – 1.30.0
  • SVG Service – 1.22.2

[FIX] Loading only shows the Thumbnail set in Basic product details or a white stripe on the Webshop
[FIX] Modules remain active when deactivated from the Feature panel
[FIX] Products are presented with a vertical layout in the Webshop, even if the presentation has not been modified
[FIX] Dynamic patterns are exported as Base64 in the Print Ready Service instead of vector data, causing low-quality export
[NEW] Slot element added in custom nodes
[FIX] Showcase not loading due to error
[FIX] The price is visible for a moment when it should not be
[NEW] Feature Panel
[NEW] Product Presentation

September 20th, 2023

Release 13

  • Backend – 2023.13.0
  • Configurator – 2023.13.0
  • Interface – 1.31.0
  • Geometry Services – 2023.4.0

Print Ready Service – 1.22.0

[FIX] Transformations do not work on vector files
[NEW] Print-ready file improvements
[FIX] The AO plane is not visible when the product is loaded
[FIX] Camera movement (orbit controls) is softer and abruptly stops
[NEW] Enable single-user mode
[NEW] View my model tree regardless of how many imports

September 4th, 2023

Release 12

  • Backend – 2023.12.0
  • Configurator – 2023.12.0
  • Interface – 1.30.0
  • Options – 1.29.0
  • Print Ready Service – 1.21.0
  • Web AR – 1.10.0
  • Scene Decoder – 1.3.0

[FIX] Offset animation doesn’t work
[FIX] Max Azim bug in Orbit Camera
[FIX] Palletization | Colors with alpha are not selected
[FIX] Lock up hemisphere resets after saving the showcase
[FIX] When the user selects the main check and then unchecks an individual check, the main check remains selected
[FIX] GIF format not working properly
[FIX] Offset does not appear at the correct position
[NEW] Dynamic Patterns for PRF
[NEW] Transparency mode in Palletization in the Viewer
[FIX] Import with sub-product nodes can’t be deleted

August 8th, 2023

Release 11

Backend (2023.11.0)
[FIX] Parenting attributes to steps do not work and prevent saving
[FIX] Bulk upload error when deleting items being uploaded
[NEW] Adding support to selected thumbnails from the media gallery
[NEW] Able to bulk (de)select check-boxes in Material Visibility Nodes
[NEW] Add “Delete” option to uploaded attribute and attribute option thumbnail

Options (1.28.0)
[FIX] Products list not displaying products from all categories
[NEW] Palletization feature to be more compact

Social sharing
[NEW] Enable API to create configurations for social sharing
[NEW] Social sharing support in Expivi Webshop

July 17th, 2023

Release 10

Backend (2023.10.0)
[NEW] Back office to be able to upload vector files
[FIX] Renaming materials in mat group failed to save the error
[FIX] The SVG file overlaps the template when reaching the quotation preview
[FIX] Import with sub product nodes can’t be deleted
[FIX] Unable to download script engine connectors (spreadsheet/CSV)
[NEW] Support AI / EPS in the Preview page on the backend
[NEW] Support Sending JSON Attachment on offer create

Configurator (2023.10.0)
[NEW] Upload in SVG, AI, EPS and vector PDF format
[FIX] Double-click in the rule editor, zooms the camera in
[NEW] Able to select the PRF image format from the back office
[NEW] Bulk media upload

Interface (1.28.0)
[FIX] The loading screen of the 3D configurator
[NEW] Upload in SVG, AI, EPS and vector PDF format

Options (1.27.0)
[NEW] Add key value of attribute option to DOM element
[FIX] SVG text elements not working

Print Ready Service (1.20.0)
[NEW] Support SVG in image attributes
[NEW] SVG files to support vector files
[FIX] Images resized in the output preview when using EPS format

Shopify (1.3.0)
[NEW] Update Shopify API version
[FIX] Linked products list not showing product names and linked products
[New] Allow to send hide_placeholders flag to print-ready file generation in request

Web AR (1.9.0) + Scene Decoder (1.2.0)
[NEW] Support base64 images in the WebAR service
[NEW] WebAR service to accept payloads higher than 1 MB
[NEW] Enable WebAR for Babylonjs products

Vector Conversion Service (1.0.0)
[NEW] Initial Release

June 20th, 2023

Release 9

Backend (2023.9.0)
[FIX] Super Admin Permissions
[FIX] Can’t delete models
[NEW] Copy command

Configurator (2023.9.0)
[NEW] Print Ready Service V2.0
[NEW] The ability to configure which colour spaces are supported as input and output from the back office.
[NEW] Decrease the response time of the profanity filter so that the user interaction is more fluent.
[NEW] The ability to configure the colour output of the order as RGB, Hex, HSL or CMYK.
[NEW] Scene templating
[FIX] SVG Canvas set canvas doesn’t switch to empty canvas when set in the rule like the other SVG_elements
[FIX] Display AR button on iOS in Chrome
[NEW] Add Support for data-printmark in Print Ready Service
[FIX] BUG | SVG | SVG, text colour default, can’t be set to anything besides black

Geometry Service (2023.2.3)
[FIX] Configuration Cache | Clean up old files
[FIX] Products corrupt themselves upon saving in the showcase

Options (1.26.0)
[NEW] The ability to select CMYK colour from the colour picker.

Print Ready Service (Formerly SVG Service) (1.19.0)
[NEW] Use the Print Ready File settings in the Print Ready Service to add a watermark
[NEW] The Print Ready Service is configurable from the back office.

WordPress (2.7.7)
Update Viewer to 1.27.1
Update Options to 1.26.0

August 18th, 2022

Release for Backend (2022.22.0)
– [FIX] Users could not upload JPG files

Release for Backoffice (2022.19.0)
– [NEW] Support dragging multiple items at once in the media library
– [FIX] Fix syntax error in Jailnode

August 16th, 2022

Release for Backend (2022.21.0)
– [NEW] WebPurify show why a moderation failed
– [FIX] Fix typo in schedule call url on

August 8th, 2022

Configurator (2022.18.0)
– [FIX] Fix ScriptNode not working
– [NEW] New icon on 3D canvas for freemium users

Viewer (2022.9.0)
– [NEW] New icon on 3D canvas for freemium users

Options (2022.8.0)
– [FIX] Fix SVG canvas interaction after uploading image
– [NEW] Add ability to reorder layers in SVG canvas

July 25th, 2022

Release for Backend (2022.18.1) and Backoffice (2022.17.1)
– [FIX] Webpurify does not validate correctly

July 20th, 2022

Expivi Platform – Release 2022.07R2
– [FIX] Materials will now show Price SKU instead of Mode SKU in cart page of our webshop.
– [FIX] Text-to-image attribute improvements on loading font with a name that included spaces & numbers.
– [FIX] Improvements regarding restarting the viewer.
– [NEW] SVG Canvas can now be adjusted in fullscreen mode.
– [NEW] New rule nodes to adjust colors of the new SVG Gradient attribute.
– [FIX] Improvements regarding visibility of Product Differentiation feature.

Release WooCommerce plugin v. 2.5.1 
– [FIX] Updated viewer/options to v1.474

July 12th, 2022

Expivi platform – Release 202207R1
– [FEATURE] Increase media file upload limit from 5MB to 8MB
– [FIX] Improve SVG conversion pipeline regarding failed jobs
– [FIX] Product differentiation improvements regarding visibility of attribute (values)
– [FIX] Viewer will now correctly sent the updated textures of product to WebAR service
– [FIX] Make catalogue browser in options
– [FIX] BugFIX in loading configuration on multi-product scene where a product is loaded multiple times
– [FIX] Tabs will now show “old” design and can be switched to new design (with new options) when selected in back office
– [FIX] The fonts dropdown SvgText attribute will now open upwards when it is placed at the bottom of the options
– [FIX] Svg Gradient will now update correctly when a pattern is used as element to select/update multiple gradients

June 28th, 2022

Expivi Options 2022.7.0
– [NEW] Color picker for SVG Canvas
– [NEW] Button to navigate between tabs in attribute
– [NEW] Support for gradient attribute

Backoffice 2022.15.0
– [NEW] Button to navigate between tabs in attribute
– [NEW] Support for gradient attribute

API 2022.15.2
– [FIX] Save and load configuration without sale
– [NEW] Support for new SVG Service features like webp and tiff
– [NEW] Support for gradient attribute

June 22nd, 2022

API 2022.15.3
– [FIX] Unable to make API connection when 2FA is enabled

June 21st, 2022

SVG Service 2022.6.0
– [FIX] Loading big images when outputting PNG
– [FIX] Error in output SVG not following SVG spec

Options 2022.06.0
– [NEW] Ability to Rotate Layers in SVG Canvas
– [NEW] Color Picker For SVG Canvas
– [NEW] Ability to Change Text to Image Properties via rule system
– [FIX] Could not Interact With SVG Canvas
– [FIX] Changing Visibility of SVG Forgets Text Layers
– [FIX] Error in generated SVG not following SVG spec

BackOffice 2022.14.0
– [NEW] Check Script Engine Script Type When Changing Price Calculator
– [NEW] Ability to Change Text to Image Properties via rule system
– [FIX] Could not Move Materials Between Folders
– [FIX] SVG Canvas Could be Created Without Attribute Linked

API 2022.15.0
– [NEW] Enabled Product Differentiation
Click her for more information
– [NEW] Allow uploading Files to Another Server via SFTP

June 16th, 2022

Expivi platform – 2022.06R3
– [FIX] Attribute key of Material Groups in Script Engine not working.
– [FIX] The ‘position’ (clamp/repeat) option in Image Upload attribute is now working as expected.
– [FIX] Lightspeed Integration page in BackOffice is now working again.
– [FIX] Image Palletization in SVG Image attribute is now working as expected.

June 13th, 2022

Backend – 2022.13.0
– [New] Support for 2FA
Click here for more information

Backoffice – 2022.12.0
– [New] 2FA
Click here for more information

– [Update] UX Improvement when selecting unsupported image types when uploading images

June 7th, 2022

Release Magento extension v1.13.4
– [NEW] Support for getting prices of bundled products directly from Magento
– [FIX] Updated viewer
– [FIX] Compatibility with latest Magento version

June 1st, 2022

BackOffice – 2022.11.0
– [NEW] Adyen Gateway now allows to enter ‘return url’.
– [NEW] Render function of SVG Canvas can now be changed to allow different/custom design of component.

Viewer – v1.171 patch 1
– [NEW] Set Operable Number Input rule, now allows using {value} to set the value from other rule nodes.

May 31st, 2022

Backend – 2022.11.2 (patch)
– [Feature] New endpoint has been added to improve address validation
– [Fix] Fixed SVG Service behaviour so arbitrary related data are supported

May 30th, 2022

Release SVG Service 2022.5.0
– [NEW] Add support for transformations where individual objects can be scaled using arbitrary origin.
– [NEW] Add support for new SVG Canvas properties: ‘fill’, ‘flipX’ and ‘flipY’.

May 23rd, 2022

Release SVG Service 2022.4.0
– [NEW] Support for WEBP, TIFF, JPG Output

May 20th, 2022

Release 2022.05R2
– [FIXED] Annotated text not being squashed anymore on 10+ characters.
– [FIXED] Image gallery design improvements.
– [FIXED] Image gallery / SVG Canvas not loading images.
– [FIXED] Images of Image Gallery will now be cached, which allows faster loading time.
– [FIXED] Toggle switch will now work when changed by rules.
– [FIXED] SVG Canvas now only allows uploading images with type JPEG/PNG.
– [FIXED] Fixed issue where users were unable to remove thumbnail of SVG Element attribute.
– [NEW] Theme upload now supports child themes.

May 3rd, 2022

Release 2022.10.0 For Backend
– [FIXED] WebPurify Human mode not receiving callback
– [NEW] Ability to know whether WebPurify is enabled in Shopify
– [NEW] Catalogue property types
– [NEW] Tax calculation APIs
– [NEW] Shipping rate APIs

Release 2022.9.0 For Configurator
– [FIXED] Ability to create folders in media library
– [FIXED] Deleting discount groups with special characters in their name
– [NEW] Ability to delete discount ranges
– [NEW] Catalogue property types

Release for Options (Included in backend)
– [FIXED] Image Scale not being saved correctly when adding to cart

April 29th, 2022

AR Service 1.0.1 release

– [FIX] iOS + Chrome will now display AR correctly (instead of encrypted text)
– [FIX] Products that include SVG images will now be processed instead of showing an error.
Note: The SVG itself will still not load correctly.

April 25th, 2022

New update to our WordPress WooCommerce plugin

– [New feature] Introducing save and share my configured 3D product by e-mail.
A product can be switched from the add-to-cart shop flow to a save-my-design flow, so that users can create, save and share their customized products. Without needing the WooCommerce add-to-cart shopping flow!
You can even add a follow-up action by adding a representative, whom will be notified when the users want to get in contact, after customizing their product. To whom can be setup in our Expivi settings.
– [Bugfix] Scaling factor for image upload
– [Bugfix] Multi-site issues resolved

April 6th, 2022

= Release v2022.04.6 =

Backend – 2022.9.0
– [Feature] Image moderation (Webpurify)
With the support of Webpurify, it is now possible to moderate uploaded images by customers automatically. Prevent profanity, nudity, hate speech, etc. from being uploaded to the 3D configurator.
– [Bugfix] Team owner mailings
– [Bugfix] Catalog memory leak

Backoffice – 2022.8.0
– [Bugfix] Catalog memory leak
– [Bugfix] Duplicated component selector
– [Bugfix] Currency locale format and currency argument
– [Bugfix] SVG Canvas parsing
– [Bugfix] SVG Canvas parsing for Shopify
– [Feature] Image Library

Options – 2022.8.0
– [Feature] Improved Toaster
– [Feature] Image Library

March 28th, 2022

SVG Service – 2022.3.0
– [Feature/Fix] Ability to use special characters in SVG service

March 15th, 2022

Backend – 2022.5.1
– [Fix] Resolved issue which caused price calculator for Script Engine scripts to fail on Webshop/API level
– [Fix] Suppressing error notifications on deleted attributes for SVG Conversion service

March 9th, 2022

New update to our WordPress plugin

– [Fix] Update viewer/options to 1.468 patch 3

Shopify plugin – private version

– [Fix] Update viewer/options to v1.468 patch 3
– [Fix] Fixed an issue on the preset button (configure) caused by a security upgrade

March 2nd, 2022

Shopify plugin – private version

– [FIX] Update viewer/options to v1.468
– [Feature] Added support for svg-canvas for shopify users
– [New] Possibility to add a reconfigure link to your cart item
A product can be reconfigured by clicking on the link in the shopping cart. This setting can be enabled in the Expivi app settings. Read more here.

February 17th, 2022

WordPress plugin – v2.4.5
– [Fix] Update viewer/options to v1.468
– [New] expivi-product-page class name is added to html container of product page.
To make it easier to style  WooCommerce product pages that have the Expivi 3D configurator integrated, we’ve added a CSS class to the body tag of the page.

February 8th, 2022

Backend – 2022.3.0
– [Feature] SVG Conversion support for any integration plugins

February 3rd, 2022

Viewer – v1.468
– [Feature] Implemented the actual sound effect that is triggered by the rule node
– [Feature] UI support of QR code for AR support for mobile devices

Backoffice – 2022.2.0
– [Feature] Implemented a new rule node that supports sound effects on user interaction
– [Fix] Fixed UI of the image upload and text-2-image issue for multi-products

Backend – 2022.2.0
– [Feature] Implemented price differentiation support for different API tokens (i.e. B2C vs B2B)
– [Feature] Implemented a QR code for AR support for mobile devices
– [Feature] Implemented easement of cache flush for development purposes
– [Fix] Fixed an issue in image upload and text-2-image for multi-products

January 4th, 2022

Viewer – v1.468
– [Fix] Fixed misbehaviour on Color and Map attribute on material group when switching materials.
– [Fix] Fixed a bug on Fire effect

Viewer-Options – 2021.41.0
– [Feature] Added the SVG Canvas attribute

Backoffice – 2021.41.0
[Feature] Added administratable SVG Canvas attribute

Backend – 2021.41.0
– [Feature] SVG Canvas attribute REST support

December 23rd, 2021

Viewer – v1.467
– [Fix] Fixed an issue where materials are shared on multiple similar models via catalogue browser
When using the duplicate product functionality in the drag and drop feature, sometimes changing the material on 1 product would be copied on all the same products. This has been fixed now.

Viewer-Options – 2021.40.0
– [Feature] UI support for material filtering based on Categories
– [Feature] Implemented sorting of Categories on Attributes when it is used
Instead of only a long list of options, you’re now able to create filters for these options, so that the user can limit the options by selecting the filters. Go to our documentation page.

Backoffice – 2021.40.0
– [Feature] UI of Script Engine sheets are downloadable
– [Feature] Added support for CSV pricing fields import/export
This makes it easier for editing the current pricing and debugging
– [Feature] UI support for sorting of Categories on Attributes
– [Feature] UI support backoffice support for assigning Categories on Materials
– [Fix] UI support for font upload of symbols

Backend – 2021.40.0
– [Feature] Script Engine sheets are downloadable for debugging purposes
– [Feature] Implemented Pricing Fields support for CSV pricing import/export
– [Fix] Fixed an issue where font upload of symbols doesn’t function properly
The use of symbol type faces like Font Awesome is working again.
– [Fix] Fixed a path issue of Script Engine debugger

December 7th, 2021

Viewer – v1.466
– [Feature] Saving configurations now supports attribute keys

Viewer-Options – 2021.39.0
– [Fix] SVG Image attributes now resets when image is cleared

Backoffice – 2021.39.1
– [Feature] Default SKU generation set to “Only explicit _PartSKU suffix”
– [Feature] UI for Script Engine Debugger
– [Fix] Partner subscriptions are always valid
– [Fix] Toggling on subdomains with customer classes now functions correctly
– [Fix] Pricing Matrix exports now includes Price Collections

Backend – 2021.39.0
– [Feature] Script Engine Debugger for testing scripts
– [Feature] Pricing Matrix imports is backwards compatible with the new export format
– [Fix] Pricing Matrix imports on large CSVs now imports/updates all prices correctly
– [Fix] Pricing Matrix imports on large CSVs has a better stability and performance

November 24th, 2021

Viewer – v1.465
– [Fix] Vertical Drag and Drop snapping not working

Backoffice – 2021.38.0
– [Feature] UI – Pricing Matrix exports in new CSV format with backward compatibility
– [Feature] UI – API key supports customer classes

Backend – 2021.38.0
– [Feature] Implemented new Business logic for Wood and Stair projects
– [Feature] Adjusting Media purges cache on related Catalogues
– [Feature] API key supports customer classes
– [Feature] Pricing Matrix exports in new CSV format with backward compatibility
– [Fix] SKU Price Matrix import crash on CSV uploads with trailing spaces

November 8th, 2021

Viewer – v1.464
– [Feature] Support for Added Decimal Operable Numbers

Backoffice – 2021.37.4
– [Feature] Added Step to Operand
– [Feature] Added Decimal Operable Numbers
– [Fix] Fixed disappearing tooltips
– [Fix] Fetch Call in SVG Attribute

Backend – 2021.37.9
– [Fix] Refactored PDF rendering
– [Fix] ProductPreset performance fix on retrieval and search
– [Fix] Description in collapsable in viewer-options

October 26th, 2021

Back-end 2021.37.7 deployed to production:
– [NEW] Viewer-options has been updated which enables Description in steppers.

October 18th, 2021

Viewer – v1.463
– [Feature] Added new categorization functionality as filters on the question attribute.

Backoffice – 2021.37.2
– [Feature] new: addition of categories and subcategories on attributes and attribute values.

Backend – 2021.37.2
– [Feature] new: additions of new category functionality to backend.

October 6th, 2021

Viewer – v1.462
[Fix] SVG support on mobile

Backoffice – 2021.36.0
– [Feature] Backoffice is embedded in Shopify Public App with custom view
– [Feature] Highlight on selected Rule Node
– [Feature] Better storage of images that are uploaded via Wysiwyg

Backend – 2021.36.0
– [Feature] Shopify Public App security update
– [Feature] New Price Margins for a Stair Project

October 1st, 2021

New WordPress plugin version deployed!
= 2.4.4 =
* Fixed: Update viewer/options to v1.461
* Fixed: Improve script loading for templates. This should fix the ability to use Expivi products by shortcode ([product_page id=”99″]).

September 30th, 2021

Viewer – v1.461
– [FIXED] Text-to-image trimming issue which accidentally removed spaces at the end of input.
– [FIXED] WebAR diffuse color not being applied when changed by rules/attributes.
– [FIXED] Svg lod removed on mobile which caused white canvas on product.

Backoffice – 2021.35.1
– [FIXED] Color attribute showing duplicate ‘Display properties’ options.

Back-end – 2021.35.3
– [FIXED] Lod in media name is now removed which caused issues (file-storage).

September 10th, 2021

– [FIXED] Default Pricing Collection with Group on creation of new teams
– [FIXED] Previous Teams without Price Variant Collection and Group have a default one

August 30th, 2021

Viewer – v1.459 (5)
– [FIXED] Text-to-image text position is now consistent. It will now wait for the font to be loaded before starting initial calculations.

BackOffice – release/2021.32.3
– [FIXED] Datepicker next to searchbar has been removed from all pages, except for Event Log page due to issues.

August 26th, 2021

BackOffice – release/2021.32.2
– [NEW] Authentication logging is now available for everyone. It is located within the Team submenu
– [NEW] Every pageable table is now filterable on a date range, based on the date the entry was created.

Back end – release/2021.32.2
– [NEW] Login in the admin panel now requires the usage of email authentication.
– [NEW] Users in the admin panel now are restricted to their own field of usage, determined by a role.

August 23rd, 2021

BackOffice – release/2021.32.1
– [NEW] Text-to-image version 2 now has the ability to set auto-resize to ‘bounding-box’.
This means that the text will automatically resize based on how much space is left instead of the amount of characters.
– [NEW] Text-to-image version 2 introduces the ‘Padding (X-Axis)’ property which allows you to add padding on left/right side of the font.
This will help with positioning the text and possibly recovering text when clipped.

Viewer – v1.459
– [FIXED] AddProduct will now have the ability to change/remove placeholder when loading a product.
– [CHANGED] Text-to-image will now use an improved implementation for calculating the text-baseline.
This will only be available for text-to-image attribute version 2.

August 17th, 2021

BackOffice + Backend – release/2021.32.0
– [NEW] Introducing Hooks! This feature allows customers to send data to a server on a given action/hook.

August 12th, 2021

BackOffice – 2021.31.4
– [NEW] Text-to-image attribute will show a new option: Text Baseline. This allows you to change the vertical alignment of your text.
– [NEW] New text-to-image attributes will use V2 on how text is rendered on product. Existing attribute will show an upgrade button to avoid breaking existing products.
Due note: Upgrading to v2 will use a different technique to render text which means that existing values might not work anymore.

Viewer – v1.458
– [NEW] UI elements in viewer will now contain a HTML attribute which can be used to style the element.
– [FIXED] Image Upload will now set position/rotation/scale when loading preset / pre-configuration.

August 5th, 2021

Backend release/2021.31.7 deployed to production
– [FIXED] Improved ProductPreset Find function with an optional catalogue_id filter

August 4th, 2021

BackOffice release/2021.31.2 deployed to production
– [NEW] Input Rule Node will now search for {value} in the text which will be replaced with the actual value. Use {value:2} to determine the amount of decimals.

Viewer / Options – v1.456
– [FIXED] Image Upload is moved to engine which should improve several things.
– [FIXED] Shader Water Entity will load normal map again.

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