Table of Contents
Browser support
Expivi’s 3D Configurator requires WebGL support on client’s browser and hardware (supported by all major browsers and desktop/mobile devices).
The minimum required browser version includes:
- Desktop:
- Chrome 8+
- Firefox 4+
- Safari 8+
- Opera 12.1+
- Edge 12+
- IE 11
- Mobile:
- Safari 8+
- Android browser 67+
- Blackberry browser 10+
- Opera mobile 12+
- Chrome 71+
- Firefox 64+
- IE 11+
Webpage script inclusion and containers
In order to create an instance of the configurator, the webpage must have included required scripts and provide containers to place the 3D viewer and the options inside.
Scripts & Styling
Include the following javascript & css files inside the header tag (<header></header>) of HTML that is going to contain the configurator.
Asset URL
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" /> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script>
Note: please embed these scripts, by adding these lines to the head of your pages.
The configurator requires 3 container elements inside the body tag (<body></body>):
- 1 to render the 3D viewer inside.
- 1 to render the product’s options inside.
- 1 to render price into.
The added elements must contain an id attribute to be passed to configurator’s constructor method.
Example container:
<div id="viewerContainer" style="width: 70%;height: 600px;float: left"></div> <div style="width: 30%;float:left"> <div id="priceContainer"></div> <div id="optionsContainer"></div> </div>
The viewer and options will fill their parenting container’s size. The position and responsiveness of containers is left to webpage implementation.
3D Viewer and Options
With the script and containers included into the HTML page (see: Webpage script inclusion and containers), an instance of configurator can be created to initialize and render the Expivi’s elements into provided containers.
Creating an instance
Create a new instance of ExpiviComponent object after the window has loaded.
<script type="text/javascript"> window.addEventListener('load', function () { var expiviInstance = new ExpiviComponent.default({ catalogueId: {catalogue_id}, viewerContainer: {view_container_selector}, optionContainer: {option_container_selector}, priceSelectors: {price_container_selector}, currency: {currency}, locale: {locale}, token: {api_token}, preset: {preset} }); }); </script>
Add the script tag at the end of body tag.
Constructor options
The configurator must be initialized with the following options:
{ catalogueId: {catalogue_id}, viewerContainer: {view_container_selector}, optionContainer: {option_container_selector}, priceSelectors: {price_container_selector}, currency: {currency}, locale: {locale}, token: {api_token}, configuration?: {serialized_object}, preset?: {preset} }
The id of product, inside catalogue, to be loaded by the configurator.
The element’s selector to place the 3D Viewer inside (eg. ‘#viewerContainer’ as defined in Containers).
The element’s selector to place the product options inside (eg. ‘#optionsContainer’ as defined in Containers).
The element’s selector to place the product price inside (eg. ‘#priceContainer’ as defined in Containers).
Pricing currency to display (eg. ‘USD’).
Locale to use for localization (eg. ‘en’);
API Token with read permission created from Expivi’s admin panel.
Serialized JSON object to reload a product to a pre-configured state -optional parameter
Presets are preconfigured options of a product. These are defined in the Expivi’s admin panel.
The configuration created by a user can be serialized to a JSON object to be communicated to webshop cart; or to be saved to storage to reload a product, to a pre-configured state.
Saving configuration
Saving the configuration will create a thumbnail of 3D rendered product (which can be used by webshop cart), provide representable specifications (visible and selected attributes by user) and a snapshot of attribute’s state for internal reloading purposes.
window.expivi.saveConfiguration(width, height) : Promise<ConfiguredProductOptions[]>;
- width: the width of thumbnail to be created.
- height: the height of thumbnail to be created.
A promise which resolves an array of ConfiguredProductOptions
interface ConfiguredProductOptions { version : string; //interface version catalogue_id : string; //product’s id thumbnail? : string; //thumbnail as base64 data configuration : { attributes : AttributeSerializedValue[]//configuration state for internal usage }; attributes : AttributeSerializedValue[]; //representable product specifications articles? : ProductArticleModel[]; //bill of materials }
interface AttributeSerializedValue { attribute_id : number; //attribute’s id in database attribute_name? : string; //attribute’s name (product specification name) attribute_value_name? : string; //attribute value (product specification value) }
interface ProductArticleModel { models_id? : number; //component’s id in database models_sku : string; //part’s sku material_group_id? : number; //applied material’s id in database material_group_sku? : string; //sku of applied material on part price_sku? : string; //price identifier to look into pricing matrix price_fields? : {[key : string]: number}; //calculated total price for each predefined field }
Example call
window.expivi.saveConfiguration(256, 256).then(function(aSaveResults){ console.log("products thumbnail: ", aSaveResults[0].thumbnail); console.log("products specifications: ", aSaveResults[0].attributes); console.log("products articles: ", aSaveResults[0].articles); });
Sample code
The following sample contains a responsive fullscreen example layout with the configurator.
<html> <head> <title>Expivi - 3D Configurator sample code</title> <link href="ExpiviComponent.css" rel="stylesheet" /> <script src="vendor.lib.js"></script> <script src="index.js"></script> <script src="ExpiviComponent.js"></script> <style> .expivi-single-product-container { display: table; height: 100%; width: 100%; } .expivi-single-product-container .expivi-viewer-container { display: table-cell; width: 64%; padding-right: 15px; vertical-align: top; } .expivi-single-product-container .expivi-option-container { height: 100%; display: table-cell; width: 36%; } @media (max-width: 600px) { .expivi-single-product-container { display: block; } .expivi-single-product-container .expivi-viewer-container { height: 40vh; display: block; width: 100%; padding-right: 0; } .expivi-single-product-container .expivi-option-container { height: initial; display: block; width: 100%; } } </style> </head> <body style="width: 100%;height: 100%;margin:0;padding:0"> <div class="expivi-single-product-container"> <div class="expivi-viewer-container"> <div id="viewerContainer" style="position: sticky;top:0;width:100%;height:100vh;"></div> </div> <div class="expivi-option-container"> <div id="priceContainer"></div> <div id="optionsContainer"></div> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> window.addEventListener('load', function () { var expiviInstance = new ExpiviComponent.default({ catalogueId: 154, viewerContainer: "#viewerContainer", optionContainer: "#optionsContainer", priceSelectors: "#priceContainer", currency: "EUR", locale: "nl", token: "ABC565656565656565", preset: "preset-product-red" }); }); </script> </body> <html>